Sunday, November 23, 2008


It's amusing to see the left get upset about Obama's centristity (myself included). He never gave any indication that he wouldn't be strictly center. I think a lot of liberals thought when he said "i will reach across the aisle, etc" he was doing so with a wink and that once he got elected would throw off his centrist mantle and reveal himself as the true liberal he is. Except he's never given any indication that he would. In some sense, I guess you could say he goes beyond idealogy (we'll see) by focusing simply on what needs to be done. If all he manages to do is get the federal bureaucracy functioning normally, I will call that a success.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

currently reading

When it's cold and rainy and I've just walked home in the rain with a cold that has lingered for over a week, I tend to read books about cooking. Today it was Julie & Julia by the woman who cooked ALL of the recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking Vol. 1 in one year.