Sunday, March 01, 2009

this week

watching the west coast feed of "this week". it's the only sunday chat show i can stomach and today they're throwing george will AND karl rove at me. it's admirable to see katrina van heuvel actually yelling at rove about the mistakes of the bush administration, but you can tell rove loves it so much. what's really disheartening is that the producers will prob be congratulating themselves on what a "spirited" discussion that had at the roundtable.

i also absolutely think that everyone reporting on the budget should have to disclose how much of a tax increase they will get under the obama plan. rove was saying that the dems ran misleading ads during the campaign that only mentioned the tax cut for 95% of ammericans as if the top 5% are a powerless class that needs protection. at least he is not disputing that it will actually be a tax cut for 95%

have seen a few clips from cpac. it's maddening, but i should be happy that this is the new face of the republican party.

commercial note: is that kima giving birth to ally mcbeal's baby on "brothers and sisters"?!

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